Originally Posted by seablue
Thanks, DeeDee, you're absolutely right. I definitely work collaboratively when I have a goal and need help. Building alliances to get where we need to go and enticing the school personnel to help. I keep verbalizing how I believe the district offers everything we need, we just need to access it.

It's just frustrating that it feels like reinventing the wheel.

I hear you. It can seem ridiculous, educating the educators over and over.

One of our 2Es is well understood by his teachers in late spring. Every school year. (It's a great month, May.) We think we have fixed this problem now; but we'll know for sure in August.

The district people acknowledge that explaining 2E over and over shouldn't be my job, but it clearly is. Moreover, it's actually a rewarding job, because I think I'm leaving the teachers more capable for the next kid who needs something unusual. I'm fixing this bit of the world over here.

Good luck fixing yours!