Here is an update on our DD7 who has not been able to get a special ed evaluation for reading because she's performing at grade level. She has ADHD (high hyperactivity, but not forgetful) and unaccommodated sensory processing disorder stuff.

We met with an educational lawyer for a consultation and were advised to send a letter to both the school and the district special education director, requesting full neuropsychiatric and occupational testing. The letter states we have made numerous requests and that we will pay for it out of pocket and expect reimbursement if our needs are not met.

Sounds encouraging.

On the giftedness side of things, the lawyer flat out said there is no school in the area to suit our DD. She said homeschooling is likely not the way to go - but both DH and I already knew that!

We need a gifted specialist to meet her needs. And we need a reading specialist to meet her needs. And we need an OT to meet her needs. For all our best intentions, patience, resourcefulness, and education, we are not the people to meet this child's educational needs.

The lawyer suggested the district ***might*** fund a specialist to work with our DD one-to-one for 1-3 hours after school for enrichment purposes. That sounds ideal to us. Has anyone had this actually materialize? Is it a fantasy? I'm skeptical...