Originally Posted by polarbear
Having watched my ds' development, I suspect dysgraphia prevented him from development of *early* reading - but once he cracked the code, he learned to read almost overnight, and that happened in kindergarten. We'll probably never know if the reason he couldn't really identify an "F" or "P" clearly on his kindy entrance interview, or the reason he wouldn't play alphabet games like other preschool kids was due to dysgraphia-related challenges or simply his meant-to-be developmental curve, but by the end of first grade he was able to read college-level material. Likewise I just can't see that there's been an impact on his academics outside of skills directly impacted by dysgraphia.

This has been our experience as well. Also my DS's reading and math is soaring ahead... He is grade levels above in both all of which happened mostly the year he does the very least amount of writing due to having a scribe and access to typing.