My kids (twins) are 5 now. They entered K when they were 4, and my son was skipped while his sister wasn't. I would love to homeschool him but am having doubts about whether I want to follow the Core Curriculum and also am concerned about sending sister to school while HS'ing her brother.

My son is getting bad behavior grades but excels academically. He needs frequent breaks with lots of activity. I requested to sit in the classroom one day to observe him, but his teacher doesn't want me to. The school is not set up for him, but it's the best one in our area.

Originally Posted by Minx
I did not see a response in the other thread but is there any way you could homeschool? Also is he 4 or 5.5? That extra year makes a difference.

If not, and he has to attend this particular school, lots of physical activity and some yoga to help him practice being calm. Role play classroom with him so he gets practice in letting others have a turn, and phrase it in such a way that he doesn't feel he's doing wrong.

What, specifically, are the teachers saying with respect to his behavior? He sounds a lot like my DS8 with the fidgeting and calling out, but we haven't had BAD behavior marks. There was concern expressed about ADHD but his pediatrician said while he shared some of the hallmarks, there wasn't enough to concern her.