My DS2.7 seems to possess a skill that neither DH nor I share--the ability to talk (loudly, and often effusively) over someone and simultaneously process everything they're saying.

Case in point: I was reading DS a book just now and he, while totally engrossed, was also talking excitedly over me about something completely unrelated. I usually stop reading when he does this, as I want to teach him to be respectful of other people talking, but tonight I asked him if he wanted to keep going. When he said yes, I continued. When I finished, I asked him an obscure question about the book, which he answered confidently, followed by "of course". He then proceeded to make jokes and puns about the material with a devilish grin.

Can someone else who experiences this--or whose child does--please explain to me what the auditory input sounds like when you can understand simultaneous conversations? DS could literally talk to me as I talk to him and pick up 100% of both conversations, but I'd be a sensory overload disaster!

Thank you!

What is to give light must endure burning.