I just sat in my son's 504 eligibility meeting and then wrote the accommodations plan on Tuesday.

For me, it finally went smoothly because I had outside testing and he had just taken a high stakes writing state test where he didn't finish the conclusion and his abilities and the results of a test like that don't match.

There isn't anything wrong with his writing skills...his problem is in processing speed, perfectionism and anxiety during timed tasks and sometimes during class assignments. Add in ASD and hypotonia and you have a perfect storm.

Luckily the teacher in this meeting was his number one fan and advocate. And the school psychologist didn't raise a fuss, said the time she observed him he appeared on task 90% of the time (and random boys in the class were on task 96%of the time). What that had to do with anything I don't know but she signed the paper which was all I cared about.

This was a far cry from 4years ago when they said he has straight As, no 504 for him, he doesn't need it. And this time it was me, the language arts teacher, the guidance counselor and the psychologist. Last time when he was denied there were an additional 3 teachers in the room and it was like they had already decided no before I got there.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary