Originally Posted by cricket3
Pros- the push-in units are generally fun, creative, better than what they would be doing in regular class. They tend to be group projects where the group competes with other groups in the class, or sometimes in several classes, so those who enjoy competition enjoy it, and it helps motivate some kids.
Problem I would see with this if it was for my son. Fun GROUP activities are a difficult for my son. He struggles with the social interaction and they don't really challenge him intellectually. He doesn't enjoy the competition. It is not what he would need from a GT program. It's not clear this really addresses what a child really needs.

When my DD was in 5th grade the new resource teacher decided that rather than pull out the kids, she would work in class with the two kids that needed extra help. Problems with this were that she her schedule had her helping in math time, both kids needed help in language arts. And two it made it even more obvious to the other kids who was getting help for what.