Well, I am impressed. It is truly an accomplishment to shepherd not just a couple of kids, but seven of them consistently into college by age 12. While that is not my approach, I can see their point of view. In any event, the greater achievement is not that all seven started college by age 12, but that they have earned selective degrees like a medical and an architectural degree and in general earned at least their bachelor degrees promptly and were/are on the path to graduate degrees and gainful employment.

Actually, it doesn't really matter to me if or how gifted they are. I definitely see perseverance and independence with these children/adults, which is so important for ultimate success ( With 9 kids, it is highly unlikely that these parents were holding their kids' hands through each online and college course). For me, the whole "gifted" construct is more of an issue with younger kids as we attempt to navigate the system and get what our kids need to establish a solid foundation. By high school if not earlier, many other attributes come to the forefront and I think that the focus has to shift to actual achievement.