Polarbear thanks. I don't think we could really get into this school for fall. Or that it is practical to have him attend unless they opened their dorms. Cost is another issue, but I guess it's better to spend they money that was saved for him to attend college. Partly I'm curious if anyone has an experience because I've checked out private schools in the past after being wowed by their web-site and been very disappointed.

I am working on getting him an evaluation. It's just slow, and things are going bad quickly right now. D's might possibly be in the picture if he doesn't pick things up. The CST meeting made my son extremely anxious and now he is less capable of doing homework than before. It didn't really solve anything, they won't test unless he is still having problems in the fall. I meet with the private educational therapist this weekend, and hopefully he will start with her this week. I have a call into a psychologist and some queries out to see if I can get another suggestion.