CTP4 results are provided as percentiles or stanine comparisons against select suburban public schools (your zip code), independent schools (select private schools in the US and abroad) and nationally (schools of all types in all areas of the US). When my DS got his CTP4 scores, they provided 2 percentile scores for each subject like math, LA etc - his school uses the suburban and the Independent school norms only for evaluation.
Since his private school is very rigorous (following curriculum ahead of grade level) his scores normed for suburban public schools were 99.9 percentile. His nationally normed scores (private school comparisons) were 96-98 percentiles.
In our experience, the score has always been lesser when Indpenedent School Norms were used.
If your daughter's school used national norms (select private schools) to calculate her CTP4 scores, it is very possible that you might see a small drop in her scores than what you expected because the pool of students being compared against is very select.
Hope this helps.