The Math MAP will bite my youngest in the behind today. I'm pretty certain she won't get the 96th percentile score required to get into advanced math in 5th grade. She'll be over 90th percentile, but she doesn't want to "learn ahead" in math.

Last year, over a third of the 4th grade scored 94th percentile and above. DD16 doesn't think we should be worried about this, but DD18 agrees that many others are hothoused and that we should do the same with DD9. I don't think DD9 appreciates how this one test could change her path in math through senior year of HS. I think she is capable - yesterday at the bus stop I was explaining squares and square roots. I gave the example of 8^2 and sq root of 64, then she asked, "Since 64 is 4^3, how would you do that as a root?" I am quite certain she could handle the advanced math, but I'm pretty sure she'll be shut out of that due to MAP. Often "lower" MAP scores mean no enrichment.