Originally Posted by Aufilia
Most of the local districts don't offer anything for 1st, so comparatively speaking, 30 minutes per day is good. I don't think "in depth" is bad either. I would try it for next year and if it doesn't work out, it sounds like the other school could be a possibility later.

I do think it's unfortunate that children can't do both math/science and reading/writing, but then, I suppose they might as well just offer a full-time class at that point.

I think that's what we'll likely end up doing, especially as DS is now finally starting to like school. He used to hate it, was then ambivalent, and now says it's "good". I think because of his increased reading and writing abilities which have caught up. I'm hopeful the G/T program time will increase over the years. If he's happy and not bored, and academically challenged enough, I would be thrilled.

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.