We're still in the beginning stages of getting resources for DS5, likely to start for first grade of next year. The K teacher met with me and said the G/T program consists of daily 30 min pull out or small group by a gifted educator. The teaching is only in either math/science or language arts (English/reading).

Okay, I guess 30 min per day is better than nothing? Or is it not even worthwhile likely?

Another concern is that they don't actually do acceleration during the pull outs, just more in-depth studies. They are currently changing the program for next year (used to be only math/science with acceleration).

And a third concern is that this pull out program is supposed to focus on the child's strengths. Well, IQ testing was extremely strong in verbal, leading a superficial thought to put him in the language pull out. But the non-verbal the psych thought was artificially low because of how he answered multiple correct questions after getting his two wrong in a row. The reading program at this school is already advanced IMO (end of K and the passing program requires ID of long vs short vowels, many many sight words, dual vowel sound recognition, etc), and DS and I have worked hard daily to remediate. I think we'll be pretty good after the summer, since we're still working, but extra hard reading and writing would be a disaster if I had to judge at this point.

There are gifted magnet schools in the county, but that would be a long drive 30-40 min one way, which I would hate to do to our family so soon.

Thanks for your opinion.

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.