I'm feeling like a real tiger mom right now after reading others' replies here. DD3 (she'll be 4 in 2 months) practices at least 45 minutes every day. Obviously, she is a beginner and you'd think there won't be that much to practice but there is. If it was left up to her, she'd be playing all day long. She didn't start this way but once she could play well enough, she took off on her own.

I've read about elementary school children practicing 5+ hours a day. I wouldn't want DD to practice more than 3 hours a day but even that seems a lot. DD is NOT a musical prodigy. She's moving along fine but no more so than any other children who tend to learn quickly. We have no ambitions for her beyond playing music for fun. I didn't think she was practicing excessively but maybe I need to step back and reassess.