Originally Posted by bluemagic
It's hard because many teachers and adults who don't know him well see it as defiance. That I'm not being hard enough on him and if he was just motivated enough, or didn't spend as much time on computer games he would buckle down and get it done. But if you know him and work with it's obvious he isn't trying to be defiant.

This won't help much at all, but I just wanted to let you know I totally understand - this happened with our ds and his teachers too. I think it's really a good thing that you have a teacher this year who agrees there's something up, and that she's suggesting a team meeting. Even though by the time you've met there isn't going to be much of this school year left, you'll have a team approach started and in the works, rather than having to start at square one next year, where you might not have a teacher who sees the problem.

Sending you tons of good wishes,
