Originally Posted by cee
Thanks for everyone who shared their experiences. Bluemagic, my son doesn't do well with these "favorite" type questions too, when they imply everyone enjoys the topic enough to even have a favorite within it. He tends to have strong opinions about most subjects. Perhaps this is why he can't imagine or pretend he has a favorite to write about, and gets uncomfortable or annoyed when asked to.
Our boys sound similar. Sorry I can't help you more. Maturity has helped a bit but honestly we are still struggling. One of his biggest problems this year has been all essays in his H.S. are IN CLASS to be written from prompt to end result in 1 hr 20 min. He can't figure out what to say fast enough and never gets to finish the essays. That and he still doesn't complete worksheets completely particularly if the thinks they are boring.

Last edited by bluemagic; 04/22/14 10:07 PM.