Originally Posted by mountainmom2011
Are special ed teachers required to chart/document/note the dates/time when they pull a kid out to prove that that kid is being pulled out for their IEP hours? If a parent accuses a special ed teacher of not pulling out their kid how can the parent prove this aside from the kid''s word and maybe the classroom teacher's?

YES! Frequency, duration and location of the services and pull-out services under an iep are not mere guidelines they are legally binding service amounts. The school needs to document every pull-out session and provide notes on that session ("service log" or "service notes") As a parent you have a right to a copy of these service logs (and I recently learned that at a minimum we should request them prior to every iep meeting). If your child did not receive the proper amount of services you can request compensatory hours be added at the next iep to make up for the hours missed. If there is a significant amount of missed hours, request that the time be made up at a private therapist outside of normal school time paid for by the School District because the child should not have to miss crucial academic class time to make up for the School’s mistake, and once the school is forced to pay monetarily for their mistake perhaps they'll make more of an effort in the future.