We may have to move over the summer and I went for the direct approach.

I found a district-wide gifted office/ program supervisor. I provided the IQ and achievement test results over the phone and asked about our options. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the district had a lot of options.

For the school without a formal GT program, they may still offer subject area acceleration or grade acceleration, if it's something you want to consider.

I wouldn't call the school directly- I would talk with the district headquarters gifted office or someone in admissions/curriculum, depending on who can answer your questions.

I have discovered with one experience that candid is best. We ended up moving from a private elementary school. I realize in hindsight that by not providing IQ test scores and being a polite but direct advocate for my ds, that I may have contributed to the problem. I felt timid and "braggy" by stating the truth and the school didn't meet his needs because he didn't present as a high achiever.