I just love this group. Thank you all for the ideas. A lot of great food for thought here.

Sweetie-- I love the idea of a dinner book club. My husband works long hours and is not always home for dinner so, to this point, I've been reading aloud to the kids (6, 4, 2.5) during dinner but I can see this turning into a book club. Great idea.

Blackcat & Irena- Thank you for the sites. I will look into those.

Cammom- Sounds exactly like my DS. This issue isn't exclusive to reading. He doesn't discuss school at all, unless something truly exciting happened. I just know that the reading comp piece is huge in elementary school so him staying mum on this topic concerns me a bit.

GF2- Exactly! I'm a bibliophile and always excelled in Language Arts and writing, but I always loathed the comprehension questions. I can recall complaining to my mom about the whole "read these three paragraphs and answer these multiple choice questions" even though I would ace them. So, I see his point. Buuuut, I was more of a pleaser as a student and would do X, Y, Z and move on. He is more stubborn, like his Dad smile

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of a book review blog, or local library reviews. These two ideas may really rope him in.

Tallulah, Your last line made me burst out laughing. Good Lord, the music is great but I'm so, so over it. smile He will answer social comp type questions when in the mood.

Kathryn- Great point. I'll try to make sure I'm asking action questions and see if I get more from the little guy.