With my older son I could say...a friend of mine on the internet was wondering if the book you are reading is appropriate for her son. Can you tell me about it? (open ended start) and then that would allow me to ask more specific questions as follow up.

Or I could ask what books would he recommend for kids who love to read as much as he does and then follow up with why he would recommend them and then some specific questions. And the opposite...I can ask what books he would recommend for kids who are reluctant readers.

I also have the...your younger brother wants to read that book after you are finished...would you say it is an appropriate book for him or not? And that opens the door to book discussions.

Basically with my teenage son I have to be sneaky now...but when he wasn't so hormonally challenged we have always had dinner time book club. My sons have enjoyed that we will also read what they are reading (they convince us that we HAVE to read it) and discuss the books over dinner. I actually had a Captain Underpants themed birthday years ago because that was the book craze that summer and I had the summer birthday (I am a good sport).

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary