I noticed a tend of parents wanting a asd classification instead of emotional behaviour disorder for their kiddos. They think this will get their child more services and keep them mainstreamed.


I agree that no one knows what DCD is. I only know because of my job. Other disorders, like nonverbal learning disorder, could also look ASD-ish.

I was talking to my DD about the importance of eye contact the other day and was totally shocked to hear my not-at-all ASD DH say to her that he had to be told to make eye contact more as a teen. In his case, as we privately discussed later, it was anxiety and shyness causing the issue. I don't actually think this is why DD isn't great at eye contact--her issues do feel spectrumish--but it just made me think about the complexity of it all.

The more I think about, the more I see other kids I know who don't fall anywhere on any diagnosable curve that I can think of but who could use social skills help...