I had an old thread on this, but I can't find it.

DS6 is a very good reader who reads fast and keeps me on my toes. I am looking for some suggestions that I might not know about--pretty familiar with the everyday stuff. Here's the deal:

1) Nothing sad (scary is okay, sad is not)
2) No school/social nuance/boy-girl themes
3) Fast pace is important (he will lose interest if there is a lot of slow scene-setting) but high-level vocab is okay
4) Fiction preferred over nonfiction
5) Will read about girls as well as boys
6) Prefers either fantasy or funny real-life stories
7) ETA: doesn't like mysteries

We have done all of Dahl, Cleary, and Blume, most of Magic Treehouse (ugh), all of Droon, E. Nesbit, Indian in the Cupboard, Moomintroll, Narnia, Edward Eager, Pippi Longstocking, Alice in Wonderland, EB White, and he's about to start the third Harry Potter, after which I plan to cut him off. Unfortunate Events is above him. I would say anywhere from 3rd-6th grade level is okay, but he has definitely lost interest in books that were too internal.

Last edited by ultramarina; 04/14/14 11:49 AM.