Thank you StephanieF. Well said. Similar situation for us with our 2e/pg ds8. He, too, had been in public and then private gifted schools for pre-k and kindy and had similar issues with them. I, too, got sick of banging my head with school administration, teachers, curriculum, etc. and was terrified to un/homeschool too. And then there's the whole money aspect (yes, we were already cash-strapped and living on the bone before we started to un/homeschool).

With un/homeschooling, you can better assess what's going on and taking a larger lens on life than any public/private school can. You can cater to their special needs and address the giftedness at the same time, which most public/private schools are unable to do well (or even a possibility if you live in certain states).

Now, I really see the drawbacks with schools and their inability to truly cater to a 2e/pg kid or those who deviant much from the norm. Humans are not sheep and I think there's something fundamentally wrong when we expect them to be.