You have lots of good advice and suggestions above. I'll just throw one additional variable into the mix - any one test is just that, one test. Outside factors that have nothing to do with the specific knowledge required to perform well on the tests might come into play on any given day. When I think of SATs the first thing that comes to mind is a vision of the room I was sitting in when I took it.... something like eons ago. Same for the GRE. I don't remember anything about the ACT test setting. The reason I remember the SAT and GRE tests is that the environment was totally not conducive to being able to concentrate - on my GRE, there was a phone ringing in the next room - non-stop - that couldn't be taken off the hook because the door was locked and none of the test proctors had the key. So I wouldn't discount the possibility that something in the environment on test day impacted the score.
