DD jokingly started a craft "business" last fall/winter. She probably sold about two dozen items before turning down orders and telling her customers that she was "closing" her busines. While she liked the money, she got tired of the boring items that her customers wanted to order and felt that it took too much time away from her experimenting and creating new items. I pretty much told her to do whatever she wanted with only two rules: the items must be perfect and the prices reasonable.

She created a bunch of new items recently, which she had no intention of selling. However, she has gotten quite a few "pleas" and "offers." She refused to sell the items on her but did accept a few orders to create duplicates (but with different patterns/colors) for her customers.

Anyhow, DD approached me to help her take her business online over the summer since she is a minor. She already has some ideas where she wants to market and it is feasible. She had also created a webpage previously, which showcased a few of the items, but might have taken that down since.

The big issues to me are liability and practicality. While I can easily create an LLC for her to address liability issues, it isn't worth the costs (filing fees and annual costs) since I don't expect her business to generate sufficient revenue. The other issue is creating a practical shipping structure (reasonable charges that are financially viable). There is also payment issues but I think a paypal system will mostly work.

Anyhow, anyone with relevant experience or ideas?