Originally Posted by puffin
My belief is the student/teacher is a two way relationship. The student does the work on time and the teacher grades and returns the work in a timely manner. Work must be returned soon enough and with adequate feedback so the student can learn from previous mistakes.
OMG, yes. I am positively at wit's end with his AlgII teacher who is multiple weeks behind on homework grading, only to plop reams of corrected papers on the students just a couple days before a test or quiz. How in Hades is he supposed to review his errors & figure out what he needs to study?

On one of the last quizzes the teacher waited so long to grade that he finally decided to give all the kids an A for the quiz and not grade them. My DS earned only a C on the next (related) test. Sadly, the bulk of the errors were from that 1st half covered by the "freebie" quiz. And with his silly weighted grades, tests count for 60% of the grade... while quizzes are assigned a measly ... 5%.

No -- I'm not irritated in the least.

Thankfully, for the next two years DS will have a different math teacher who is known for returning homework & quizzes the next day and tests within three days.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz