And if so what tests did you use to determine it? At what age? Are there other tests you used to determine your child was HG+ or PG?

I ask because I've been feeling a bit uncomfortable in some of these threads because I don't really KNOW "how gifted" my DS15 is because he has never had any sort of formal IQ testing. Upon reading the descriptions about the levels my guess is he is HG, but not HG+ or PG.

We never did an IQ or WISC on my son because the OLSAT was the only test we needed to get my son into the gifted program at my school district. My son took the OLSAT in 3rd grade, but we never receive complete scores only the percentage. He scored 99%, ie in the top 1%. But according to the reading I've done on these boards the OLSAT is more of a achievement test than an IQ test. Every teacher/administrator who has interacted/observed my child in school comments on how easily my son picks up new topics. Entrance into the standard gifted program through 8th grade was never really a problem.

I really don't have much perspective. My husband was considered PG when he was a student, although I don't know his actual IQ. His parents probably knew when he was a kid, to get him the services he received. I was labeled as gifted as a child but I know I'm not on par with my husband. My older DD is not gifted and I do have her IQ somewhere in the piles of IEP documents and and testing done for her LD. I wasn't that concerned by the exact score and she was listed as above average in intelligence, but because learning disability she struggled with achievement.

I'm not likely to get my son tested at this point as it will have no direct effect on H.S. class placement. I've just become insatiably curious.