I am trying to figure out how best to support my ds7 in math. He is currently a 1st grader who is above grade level. His strength is verbal abilities. He is obviously not "bad" at math, but is quite insecure with his ability and knowledge level. Also, since he hates repetition, his fluency is definitely not where his ability is, but slowly improving.

He has recently discovered that he understands multiplication and can accurately solve problems. Yet, he surely has not memorized them. He now wants to move on to division. Shouldn't multiplication speed improve first?

He was given work from the gt teacher on ixl (which he hates). It's addition/ subtraction multi digit through 6th grade. (Does this mean kids are still doing +/- in 6th grade?) What I noticed when he worked on it is that he could easily do this math (somehow) in his head, but had trouble "showing his work". So, I've left it alone for now.

Last year, I bought MUrderous Maths. Unfortuneately, I thought it was more interesting than ds.

I just purchased LOF- just book 1. (Not sure if ds would like it.) It seems too easy. I'm wondering if I should try it (maybe with ds3.5 who is mathy)? If it would be better to start with a different LOF book? Does order matter for the story or the math?

Overall, I'm trying to support him. I want him to feel more confident in this area(s) while attempting to feed the need for new concepts. Thoughts? Thanks.

(Btw, this is never pushed on him. It is he who asks. Ex: His goal for 1st grade written on day1 of school was to learn division. I do think him seeing questions on MAP testing that he has no idea how to answer, cause great anxiety and determination to learn the concept to decrease the anxiety.)