All good. I have called all districts (that I'm aware of)with over crowding issues not a one will let you buy in. Tried one again today that was hoping to go self contained for this upcoming year - said it would cost $9,300 but for one year and then move in might be worth it... but i don't know if they've managed to go self contained.

We live closest enough to commute to the best school for gt. but i believe education starts at home and I can't believe that and position my kid to lie about where she lives... maybe if our other option were horrific i'd feel different. but we could move into a rental until we could sell so we could start the year as selling and buying by mid august is not possible.

long-term it seems the most affordable option. i have two hg kids who i'm confident would be served in their program. if the 3rd doesn't - then we can hope for the best with their traditional programs or private for one (better than for 3). and frankly if her needs aren't so profound... well... let's worry about the one year old later.

i just need to sell my husband. it is the better than any other option. it is a 20 year program of self contained... it is public which i really want... and while we can't get the house/property we have now... i "fit" better into their working class neighborhoods then i do in the "fancy" school option (but that is where my dh and i differ). i just think great school doesn't equal great gifted... and long term if i'm to stay at home at least until all are in school.... even if we were willing to give up all the extras... long term i don't know if we can do it without me going back to work.

i just want to make a decision and be done with the process.

anyone think public school that only offers a HG/EG kid 225 minutes per week in a classroom of 29 kids per teacher is going to be a great year? the gt pull-teacher seems wonderful. but that's just for superior cognitive pull-out... the rest depends on the teacher. we've skipped K - headed to 2nd and still several grades ahead in acheivement.

Ok now. WHO took the crystal ball?!!?! I know it was on this site :-P
