In this article a kindergarten teacher attributes her resignation to kindergarten becoming too academic and standardized.
Kindergarten teacher: My job is now about tests and data — not children. I quit.
Washington Post
March 23 at 11:30 am

I think some of the changes may be for the better, though, since I (and many other parents of gifted children) think Singapore Math is a good curriculum:

This school year, the Cambridge Public Schools Math Department announced that the math curriculum that had been used for years, with extensive training and professional development for teachers, is being replaced by a new math curriculum that is being toted as “more aligned with the Common Core.” This new math curriculum, called Singapore Math, is being brought into the system now, and the old TERC Investigations curriculum is being discarded. This is at a huge expense, and will require many hours of additional teacher time for training. Singapore Math is widely contested, with many having doubts about whether it is an improvement over the TERC curriculum.