Originally Posted by polarbear
Our ds also had a test through the OT, but I can't remember the name of it at the moment. I can look it up later this weekend if you'd like to know the name.

Was it the Bender Gestalt?

I just want to add that OTs can not diagnose. They can assist, administer some tests and give input to a psychologist who is diagnosing but they can not diagnose - it is a complete waste to go to an OT to find out if your DS has dysgraphia. Also, some OTs have never even heard of it.

OT in conjunction with the psych gave my son a visual sequential memory test as well. Both the Bender and Visual Sequential memory tests were so incredibly low. I think the TOWL is also used in diagnosing dysgraphia? Polarbear, did your guy get the TOWL?

Originally Posted by polarbear
We started our ds typing right away, but he was diagnosed at 8. FWIW, my younger children started typing at the same time (they aren't dysgraphic but wanted to learn how to type and use the computer) - they were 4 and 6, and they caught on fairly quickly. Most OTs will recommend "adaptive" typing for young children rather than touch-typing - you let the child figure out how to type and come up with their own system, sometimes using only thumbs and index fingers, sorta like texting smile

Our guy is typing. He is 8 1/2. He was just using his 'own system' but they kept loading more and more typing on him and even denying his scribing accommodations and making him type which was causing him to really break down. (By the way, his iep mandates scribing and oral and adaptive tests but they were circumventing giving him his accommodations by making him type all of the time). The final straw was when he hid in the bathroom to try to escape a comprehension test that he was going to have to type (he was having to type a seven part summary) and he just didn't have the skills. I threw a fit and insisted that teach him proper typing and in the meantime he is to get scribing for all tests and assessments until he is a proficient typist. So now he gets an OT pull-out during which he is taught touch-typing.