I really don't think DD10 or DD8 know that part of their testing was an IQ test. I doubt they even know what IQ is all about. DD10 went into testing to rule out what school was suggesting the problem was - that she was ODD, ADD/ADHD, etc. We told her we were doing it to get a better idea of what was going on at school and to try to help her in any way we could to make things better. DD8 was tested to look into possible dysgraphia/dyslexia and just to be fair to her since her older sister was tested and qualified for gifted. We told her going into testing that we wanted to see if there was anything we were missing that might help us to help her. We added that if she qualified, and wanted to, she might get to do some of the things her sister was doing at school with the gifted teacher. We explained that it was testing and they should try their best, but it wouldn't be like school testing - they would answer some questions and get to do some puzzles and maybe some riddles. It would be interesting and sort of fun.

We have not told, and at this point don't plan to tell our girls their "number". I agree with what others have said - 1. it is just a number from one day in their life 2. at this point they really don't need to know 3. we don't want it to affect them in any way (we have enough issues already)

They know they are different and they learn in a different way. They also know they are 2 out of one handful of students in their entire school that qualify for the gifted program, so they have some idea what it is all about.

Later down the road, when they are much older and better equipped to really understand, we might sit them down individually and explain it all to them.