thank you polar bear - that is really helpful.

I will have the subtest scores in a few days so will post them then along with more info from the psychologist and by then my daughter will have done the dyslexia test.

I emailed the psychologist to ask briefly what it might indicate and she said she would say it pointed towards dyslexia type traits and that once DD put her coloured glasses on part of the way through the tests (the tests were done in 2 sessions and for the first one we had forgotten her glasses which were in her school bag) there was a slight increase in her speed. I can't think which tests she did with them compared to which she did without but I do remember when she was doing the symbol search I think it was the psychologist said she thought she had been struggling to focus on the symbols and was tiring. The problem with irlen syndrome is that it isn't as easy to fix as just getting the right lenses is it. It might well be that that is her only problem and we just aren't managing to help it sufficiently rather than a dyslexia problem but it is so hard to know. And of course some people still think there is no such thing as Irlen/scotopic sensitivity which doesn't help.

thanks for your posts

This all shows me just how complicated it all is.