[quote]Well, I'm not a programmer [/quote.....but you play one on T.V.! Hee hee.

But, seriously Dazey, you may not be a programmer, but you are very knowlegable about this product and what it can and cannot do. I appreciate this, because I was ready to write it off as not what we are looking for after talking to my friend. And we are not engineers, my husband is the math person, corporate finance.
However, DD8 has some very good math aptitude and has always seemed to like the engineer-type toys/activities that are available. She really likes the Omnifix cubes from Didax. She's using the 3D problem solving book. She really liked drawing 3D stuctures on the grid and isometric paper. Since I don't have an engineering mindset, I'm always looking to people that do when trying to support her interests. smile
This is what I was thinking of purchasing:


It looks almost the same as your link, but more expensive. I have to take a closer look to see if it's the same.