I saw this article ( http://jadeannrivera.com/what-a-micro-school-can-be-for-a-gifted-learner/) and am really intrigued by the idea of a micro-school for my son, 5. He is a bright guy with some sensory/Aspie stuff going on; the box of public school is definitely not the right place for him, but he thrives on learning alongside friends and with a good amount of structure and predictability. Neither pure homeschooling nor public school is the right option for him, and I am wondering (hoping?) that some others are in a similar position and interested in having a discussion about our hopes and needs for our kids' educations, and what forming a small cohort of learners with like needs and who are true peers could look like for next school year. We're in central NJ, near Princeton.

I am cross-posting this message, so if you would like to be a part of the conversation please email me at angelakonin(at)Gmail(dot)com.
