That's great that you are so in touch with yourself. Many people are not self-reflective at all. You are doing great. Check out on-line sights about being profoundly gifted as well. You will probably find them very helpful.

Make sure you have a place for yourself to be a haven. I have observed that gifted people have very busy, productive lives. They need meaningful work. Their personal space has to a place to give them back what their work takes from them.

I think you are at such a great stage and can make every stage great. Really think hard about what you want to be doing each day and who you like to spend your time with.

A certain percentage of gifted people that I have observed prefer not to be in an environment filled with lots of other non-gifted adults, so they work with children or animals or both.

You can do great among non-gifted adults, but we have to study them and adjust and try to fit in better or our intensity can really confuse them and cause problems.

Know all of your sensitivities and overexcitabilities. For example, I am looking for a great pair of sound-reducing headphones that won't make me feel totally cut-off but will give me more reading time that I very much need.

I know you will figure it all out. You are so talented. You are going to enjoy life after the college years. There are so many interesting things to do and learn. Ebrace everything you love and are passionate about.