I am highly gifted and I was able to be in traditional schools, so I say stay positive and optimistic and give it a try. I love the ball idea and we do that at home. I love to stand and now it has been proven to be much healthier than sitting anyway. My warning applies to any school and anywhere, especially if your child is out and about (instead of a homebody). We are extremely animated, louder than average, ask too many questions, too enthusiastic (and the like) compared to average and it gets us bullied. To me, bullying is one way the group that is the majority thinks they can change the minority. They often are just annoyed by the minority. A gifted person learns so easily that hopefully they can figure out how to handle it, but it might depend on personality and self-esteem. I knew from when I was very young that the bullies of mine were not my intellectual peers, so I understood what was going on and I knew that I wasn't the problem. Even at my college, because I went on full merit scholarship and into an honors program, the same kids were on campus (it wasn't a college of only geniuses) and they still bullied me. It only showed me that I was right in my assessment as a very young child. They were clueless. You should try to find out if some students are bullied even at the Ivy League schools; I'm thinking yes based on maybe some reports about hazing, but I don't follow it. Hope it helps.