Hi All,

DD 11 was finally diagnosed (accurately) after a two year struggle.

She's highly gifted (GAI 158) and 2E: dyslexia, dysgraphia, and auditory processing weakness.

While I am definitely relieved, I am concerned that the college prep school she attends is not going to be able to adequately address both her high ability AND her learning disorders. The list of accommodations was long, and included things like "Allow an exercise stability ball to sit on rather that chair", "Allow a standing desk so she can move as needed", "Allow her to do posters instead of written work for projects" etc. etc.

I just don't see school implementing all this, and I dont see them offering her acceleration for her strengths. Heck, they have failed for two years to recognize her giftedness or her disability! It was just pure perserverance and gut instinct that made me seek a specialist in 2E for correct diagnosis (she was prev. misdiagnosed with ADD).

Anyone have any thoughts? Homeschooling is not an option.