I've been out of town - sorry it took so long to respond.

Last fall, we did a single year grade skip coupled with another 2 years acceleration in math and science. It has worked very well.

It is now clear that he really needs to skip the additional 2 years. (Still waiting for the test report from the psych that will say that.... but she has had the flu and hasn't sent it yet.) He is bored and doesn't fit well with the younger kids partially because of that.

On the flip side, we have found that one of the older kids is 'grabbing him and hugging him' at school. My husband is starting to get concerned about this. Me too now that I know about it....

Anyway - It isn't easy, but when a kid is this advanced, there isn't any easy path. My mom insisted that I NOT skip grades as a kid and I felt isolated and alone until I got to college - where I promptly skipped 3 years. (CLEP, AP, summer school, etc).

I would suggest that you start with a complete evaluation by a qualified psych if you are thinking about a grade skip. We went with a neuropsych and I am starting to believe it was the best thing we have done for our son. Just wish we had done it a year ago. So many issues that we didn't understand all year....

