Last year was so tough for DS, that we finally moved him to a another school. 4th grade has been so much better at this new school, and we now have our happy go lucky boy back again. He has not been receiving the enrichment that he was at his old school. We have not brought this up to the school yet mainly because we were giving DS space to adjust to the new school, which he has done an amazing job of.

We have our first IEP review meeting at the new school tomorrow, and we would like to address the enrichment piece. I ran into the special ed teacher in the hall a couple of days ago, and she stopped me to tell me that she expected that many of DS current accommodations would not be needed, since they are not seeing any concerning classroom behaviors.She did not want me to be shocked that they planned on take away so many. I was in a hurry so I didn't get a chance to process what she was saying. However, I tend to think that maybe he is doing so much better BECAUSE of the accommodations.

Then I just got an email from her saying DS's classroom teacher will not be able to attend, but that we can meet for the review anyway.So I emailed the classroom teacher about Math enrichment for DS. In his old school he was part of a pull out enrichment Math group (he has been since 1st grade). At the new school he is not, even though there is one. He lowest Math grade all year has been a 97%. He finishes the work quickly and has a solid understanding of the underlining concepts.He spends most the classroom math time doing busy work since he finishes so quickly (Reading/drawing.)However the classroom teacher emailed me back saying that the pull out group does 5th grade level Math. DS scored 62% at the beginning of the school year on the pretest 4th grade math material that he knew.(No idea which pre-test they used)
But sh also reports that he is he the top student in her Math groups. I know that DS might not have encountered all of the material yet. But his classroom work shows he only needs to see concepts once or twice before mastering them. This is something that we had specifically addressed at his old school.

This is also backed up by DS'S evaluation results specifically the concepts formation sub-test scores. It seems as if basically they are saying that unless he can prove that he knows all of the material at the beginning of each grade, he can not be provided Math enrichment. We are more then willing to work with him at home to fill in the gaps for material he has not encountered yet.
I guess my question is, has anyone else encountered this approach to enrichment? We would be grateful, for any advice at all, about how to get the school to understand our point of view!

Last edited by Stinkerbell; 02/25/14 08:46 AM.