Yes, I can understand your pain. DS had an absolutely awful 1st grade year at a private (secular) school. We now have him in a Catholic school that has accelerated him two grades in math. He gets some additional individualized (project-based, has written a play, researched traditions, etc.) as well. In this case, the principal is very familiar with the needs of gifted children from a prior school with a higher-than-average number of same, probably due to proximity to a leading university (which also has a fantastic G&T program). We drive right past another Catholic school to get him to this school.

Even with that, we have had to share information about his educational needs with his classroom teacher, who has not had a child quite like him. We are fortunate in that she is experienced, positive and unfazed by boy behaviour. We take things one year at a time, but really, are finding so much has to do with how the principal and teacher(s) think about gifted children. If you look at other Catholic schools, I would be very open about your son and listen extremely carefully to what they say.

Last edited by ConnectingDots; 02/19/14 01:03 PM.