Disclaimer: I'm a huge planner. I want to feel like I have some idea about how to start homeschooling (even though I fully expect this initial plan to change. Oh and ds is 6 currently a 1st grader.)
So, we think we've decided to homeschool starting at the end of this year. I have a few ideas about curriculum and supplementation.

Yet, what about where exactly to start (Without having to defend why he's ahead)? Do you have him take end of unit tests, if he passes with grade 85?, skip and move on?

He has been using Compass Learning at school based on MAP score. I'm wondering if the company could tell me where he's at? (I can try to ask the school, but I'm guessing they won't / can't tell me.)

I guess my concern comes from the fact that as a homeschool student, he will still need to take state standardized tests. Thus, I'm hoping to avoid lots of gaps.

Also, I'm planning a join a couple co-ops. The classes I've looked at are history, science, or specials (which all seems great and ds will love I think.) Yet, do you do additional enrichment in ELA and/ or math too? I was thinking I would do math and ELA at home. He already plays violin, so there's some music. Sign him up for maybe 1 academic class- history or science (work on whatever subject no in class with me) and another fun class like chess. I still need to figure out what to do about Spanish... Does this seem like enough or too much to start?

All thought, advice, experience anyone would like to share would be most appreciated. Thank you.