Thank you, HK. Your process brings me back to the same conclusion every time-I don't believe testing will change much in our present circumstances. I think I start to doubt my instincts about DS and his abilities when the school keeps pointing out the negative in him. It's just sad to me. They will acknowledge that he's bright, they just won't do anything about it. In fact, the counselor said they won't even consider making changes until his behavior has improved. I'm just rambling because it all frustrates me so much.

Gardengirl, I'm visiting a private school next week, so we will see if that's better. As far as public schools, I'm told the GT curriculum is the same at all schools in our district. However, I wonder if it would be helpful to speak with GT coordinators at other schools in the district to see if they are a bit more knowledgeable and more flexible.

Gardengirl, did you visit different schools within your district? Did they welcome you or wonder what you were up to??