My DD who is 6 and in second grade also refused to do work she did at a different school while in first grade. She was pulled out and did second grade work and now is repeating it after changing schools to a "more challenging" school which is worse than the one she went to last year. It is a catholic school and has no provisions to challenge gifted kids at all! I have put her in a science club after school; Spanish class after school and some reading clubs but they are all not just meeting her needs. Her math is her strongest subject and her teacher will not challenge her beyond what she teaches in class. I hate to give her extra work at home but I have to. I am a physician and so I don't always have time to teach her (plus I have 3 other kids)! She is also in a lot of extra curricular activities and so finding time is not always easy. Anyway, she loves the school because her best friend goes there but cares less for the teachers. I am hoping that the 3rd grade teacher will be more creative. By the way, we were also asked to have her tested for ADHD but after meeting with her doctor, it was decided that she was OK and that she just did not want to do her work and some of the behaviors are typical for a 6 year old. (Wont turn 7 till end of summer). If third grade does not get better, I don't know what to do!