All of your concerns are VERY valid Irena. 2e kids have so few times that they feel "ahead" of everyone. Why try to remediate at that particular time?

Also, conventional wisdom is to completely separate handwriting from substance for dysgraphic kids. The nature of dysgraphia is that the act of handwriting fills up the working memory with no room for substantive learning in addition. The handwriting work will undoubtedly interfere with his math. Again, why displace math work with remedial handwriting? What a poor trade off!

At some point remediation needs to give way to accommodation. I am not sure at what age or stage, but if your DS is not making progress with remediation, perhaps his IEP should add more aspects that minimize handwriting with technology and phase the scribing out. There are lots of great programs and apps to do that, even for math.

I seem to remember that your school is strangely suspicious of dysgraphia. Do you think that is driving what is going on here?