Originally Posted by Sweetie
Okay what do you think about flvs science class for middle school for a non science kid who learns really fast 6th and 7th grade science? And my older son sat through 6th and 7th grade science in a FL middle school honors/gifted class and it wasn't all that live and in person.

Just in general terms, I've been underwhelmed by the level and depth of FLVS offerings in all subjects, not just science. I've seen five or six of those in secondary, and none of them stood out as what I'd call "good" examples.

The AP Stats class that my DD is currently enrolled in is a Spokane product-- it seems considerably better put together than most online courses for secondary.

Not sure what you mean by B&M "wasn't all that live and in person," there-- do you mean that the teacher was bad and therefore the class was as well? Or that there wasn't anyone really teaching the class?

Ah-- (I see your edit now). Yeah-- it's not that virtual is ALWAYS worse than the alternative. Just that I've yet to see a virtual class (especially in science) where I've thought that it was better than a good B&M version of the same scope and sequence. If that makes sense.

Teacher quality makes a huge difference in total suckage versus something pretty great. Just like in any other subject, I suppose, and math, math, math-- ohmigosh, the house of horrors we could all build in that subject, eh? smirk

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 02/01/14 04:31 PM.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.