Originally Posted by Mylittlecubs
How do you teach your kids study skills at home?

Accelerated material. I've given up on the school, frankly. I send them there for the social aspect.

We have a homework start time, and everything is very structured. I give them work that is different than what they are learning in school. For instance, I give DS9 JUMP math - very simplistic and parent friendly - but at a higher grade level. This way he is exposed to new material and is more engaged. For DD I create work based on what I think they should be doing at school and aren't.

It's sad... I started too late for DD11. I waited too long for the school to come through. She's very resistant and frozen by perfectionism, and plagued by the "if I can't snooze through it, I don't want to do it" mentality. DS9 on the other hand, puts his nose to the grindstone and sinks his teeth into whatever I give him. There may be hope for him, lol.

Last edited by CCN; 01/31/14 12:47 PM.