So the school observed DS to document when he is off-task. I got a copy of the observations today and we will discuss them and potential strategies at meeting.

So, at his worst time he was off task about 40% and that was during math class . But mostly he was off-task an average of 20%-30% out of 100%. He is always missing directions... he is either finishing up a previous task when he us suppose to be moving on so misses the directions and is lost or just zoning out when directions are given. I kept seeing things like "19 directions were given, DS independently followed 3 of them." And yes I do see this at home... it's not oppositional he just asks me to repeat directions a lot or seems lost. I definitely got that impression from the observations - he seems lost a lot... Not out of control or bothering people.... seems like like more of an absentminded lostness. And he is apparently talks to himself.

It seems like a good picture to give the ADHD clinic. It seems accurate.

So any thoughts on what could help this behavior? The school is suppose to be coming up with strategies (b/c I just have no clue how to help this) but just wondering if any one here has a similar kid and has some ideas that work? Is this your typical adhd-I profile?