I am in a bit of a dilemma.
At the end of the year I was told by my daughters school that she might be gifted and could she have some testing done in the holidays..
She has just finished year 3 at a private girls school in Perth Western Australia.So we agreed to the testing which is a iq test with the school psych and also the yr 5 naplan test with the schools gifted and talented specialist.
Meanwhile my ex husband and I had various meetings with different teachers..
So the tests came back and they where outstanding..
She is on the 99.9percentile and her iq was crazy high and she got 98% in the year 5 naplan and she only had to score 65%.
And her literacy is that of a 16 year old and she is 8..
So the school wants to accelerate her from year 3 to year 5, so totally missing year 4. Socially she is at a higher level, already hanging out with older kids..
So I spoke to my daughter about all the pros and cons etc...
We came to the conclusion that this would be the best thing for her..

But then the dilemma is my ex husband is dead against it.. He can't give me a real reason and basically because I'm saying yes, he's saying no..and he also thinks that I shouldn't of spoken to her about it at all..
And the school policy is everyone has to agree for it it to go ahead..
So I am totally stuck with what to do as it's my daughters future we are talking about..
Can anyone suggest anything like websites or any other info that could be useful..