Originally Posted by Kai
Originally Posted by blackcat
The CogAT supposedly tests nonverbal and verbal reasoning ability, same as the GAI of the WISC, so I'm not sure why a district would insist upon using data from working memory or processing speed.

The problem is that the CogAT really does place a premium on processing speed and working memory. To do well on the CogAT, you need to be *fast* and for some of the subtests, you need to be able to hold several things in mind if you are going to be quick. Frankly, I think the CogAT is more about processing speed and working memory than what it purports to test.

Interesting. It probably catches the high achievers then and misses a lot of 2e kids. I would love to know how many of the younger kids finish it within the time limit. DD finished the verbal section and her score on that was at least somewhat close to the verbal WISC score. But the other two, which she didn't come close to finishing, were way off. Kids who are slow end up basically eliminated from consideration for g/t programs, esp. if the school has really high cut scores.